John A. Gentry

John A. Gentry

Per Course Faculty


Defense and Strategic Studies

Role: Faculty

Postal mail

Missouri State University
Defense and Strategic Studies
901 S. National Ave.
Springfield, MO 65897


Currently an adjunct professor at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, John Gentry writes extensively on, mainly, intelligence subjects. He has extensive experience in the intelligence world as a CIA analyst, military intelligence officer, and scholar.



  • PhD, Political Science, George Washington University, 2008
  • BA, History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1971


  • DSS 797: Seminar on Intelligence and War
  • Mainly intelligence courses at Georgetown University and, previously, at Columbia University and National Intelligence University

Professional experience

  • Retired U.S. Army Reserve lieutenant colonel, duties mainly in intelligence and special operations arenas.
  • Former intelligence analyst, Central Intelligence Agency.
  • Current member, Editorial Committee, International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence
  • Frequent writer on intelligence and national security issues.
  • Academic since 2008.


  • Numerous articles published in: American Intelligence Journal; Comparative Strategy; Defense Intelligence Journal; Defense & Security Analysis; Intelligence and National Security; International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence; Journal of Intelligence History; Naval War College Review; Parameters; Political Science Quarterly; Security Studies; Washington Quarterly.
  • Published books: US Intelligence versus President Donald Trump: Causes and Consequences (forthcoming, 2023); Strategic Warning Intelligence: History, Challenges and Prospects (with Joseph S. Gordon) (Georgetown University Press, 2019); After the Wars: International Lessons from U.S. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (co-editor with William M. Nolte) (National Intelligence Press, 2018); How Wars Are Won and Lost: Vulnerability and Military Power (Praeger Security International, 2012); Lost Promise: How CIA Analysis Misserves the Nation (University Press of America, 1993).