Recent publications
Autumn 2024
The editorial board welcomes you to Missouri State University's electronic journal
Defense and Strategic Studies Online (DASSO). In this opening essay, the Board offers
an introduction to MSU's Defense and Strategic Studies (DSS) program and to its flagship

Vol. 1, No. 1
China’s influence in Oceania
The Ties that Bind: A Data-Driven Analysis of Oceania’s Dependency on China
Dr. Christopher Ford and Dr. Alex Memory offer a data-driven analysis of dependency relationships between China and the small states of Oceania, suggesting possible conclusions about Beijing's grand strategy and its apparent emphasis upon cultivating dependency relationships for potential strategic advantage.
Dr. Christopher Ford and Dr. Alex Memory offer a data-driven analysis of dependency relationships between China and the small states of Oceania, suggesting possible conclusions about Beijing's grand strategy and its apparent emphasis upon cultivating dependency relationships for potential strategic advantage.

Vol. 1, No. 1
Sea versus land power in Taiwan
The Impact of Sea Versus Land Power in a Taiwan Conflict
Mr. David Sarabia draws lessons for contemporary U.S. - China challenges over Taiwan based upon historical analyses of land power and sea power dynamics in great power conflicts from the Peloponnesian War through World War Two.
Mr. David Sarabia draws lessons for contemporary U.S. - China challenges over Taiwan based upon historical analyses of land power and sea power dynamics in great power conflicts from the Peloponnesian War through World War Two.

Vol. 1, No. 1
Weaponizing integrity
The Weaponization of Integrity: How the West’s Enemies Try to Leverage its Ethics
Against It
Dr. Christopher Ford explores how America's adversaries attempt to use the West's integrity against it, as a tool for their own strategic advantage.
Dr. Christopher Ford explores how America's adversaries attempt to use the West's integrity against it, as a tool for their own strategic advantage.

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Are you a member or friend of the Missouri State University community with an interest in defense and strategic studies and who has something thoughtful to contribute to public discourse on such topics in this essay format?
Contact DASSO’s Editorial Board at DASSO@MissouriState.edu.
Access more papers and essays from DSS faculty.