Weapons of Mass Destruction Option

Limit the threat of weapons of mass destruction

Earn a unique master’s degree that covers all aspects of WMDs.

Specialize in weapons control, missile defense, nuclear deterrence or other topics. Explore policies and programs that deal with WMD usage.

Have a quality education: Your faculty are former military officers, defense and intelligence experts and more.

Graduate ready to give advice and support on strategic WMD issues.

Defense and strategic studies students in cap and gown at 2019 commencement ceremony.
Careers and outcomes
Meet current and future WMD challenges. Advance your career in military, government or civilian personnel.

Why take the weapons of mass destruction option?

Military officer talking to student at defense and strategic studies commencement ceremony.

Stand out in a unique field

Join one of the only graduate programs in that nation that offers a master’s degree focused on WMDs. Get custom training and a one-of-a-kind education.

Defense and strategic studies commencement medals.

Have a focused degree

Take courses designed for your career path. In this option, you can select from a variety of WMD-related courses.

David Robarge, CIA Chief Historian, speaking to defense and strategic studies class.

Build an insider connection

Your teachers and guest speakers are practitioners who have worked in the industry. Many of your classmates are mid-career pros and military officers.

Student using laptop in library.

Set your own pace

Have options for completing your degree: online, in seated classes, or a hybrid of both. Start in the fall, spring or semester. Finish in as little as two years.

You may already have transfer credits

This master’s degree is a 36-hour program.

However, officers who have completed the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Advanced Leaders Course (CBRN ALC) will receive transfer credit toward their degree as follows:

  • Active-duty officers receive 15 course credits equaling five graduate-level courses. Officers need to complete the remaining 21 course credits (seven graduate courses) including a comprehensive oral exam.
  • Reserve component officers receive 12 course credits equaling four graduate-level courses. Officers need to complete the remaining 24 course credits (eight graduate courses) including a comprehensive oral exam.

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